Would you like to study and simultaneously keep close contact to the professional practice, then the dual course of study or the work and study program is perfect for you.
Both forms of further qualification have the advantage, that theory and application are closely intertwined. What you learn in theory can be used directly in daily practice.
You will learn what it means to flexibly apply professional knowledge and to find individual solutions. This way you acquire the ability to take over early responsible tasks at Leschaco.
Dual Course of Study
If you take a dual course of study, you will obtain the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) after seven semesters in various fields.
Currently we offer following subject area together with our cooperation partner the HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration:
- Bachelor of Science BSc. Logistics Management
The dual course of study implies study phases at the academy and practical phases in the company in three-month blocks.
Work and Study Program
The work and study program offers the possibility to absolve academic studies besides being on the job in full time. Normally the courses are held in the evenings and on the weekends.
The close correlation between theory and practical application delivers a number of positive synergy effects in this form of study, too – for the benefit of studies and careers.
Depending on the course of studies we cooperate with various partners on this program.
These particular offers are aimed in the first instance at apprentices of our company. If there are these opportunities in developing qualification are also given to external candidates who have already completed a vocational training program.