Leschaco Mexicana donated 35 kindergarten kits to the Asociación Ayúdame a Sonreír ante el cáncer. These kits are filled with essential supplies to help young children in need continue their education and development. By providing these resources, we aim to support the children and families impacted by cancer, ensuring that no child is left behind. Let's work together to create a brighter future for our community's youngest members.
The experience of the associates since 2007 with families of children with cancer in the National Institute of Pediatrics, led us to contact with the emotional needs arising from a dramatic change in their lives due to the disease. After a long period of analysis and study on how to propose a social work based on the Humanism of Carl Rogers with forceful and permanent actions, on March 18, 2010, 14 friends committed to improving the hospital conditions of children who remain hospitalized for long periods, decided to formally constitute an organization that seeks to professionally accompany both them and their families who are treated in the hospital institution that concentrates more children with cancer in Mexico: the General Hospital of CMN La Raza.
They are confident that a trained and active volunteer movement would become an agent of change for the Health Sector in Mexico.
A child diagnosed with cancer experiences a total change in his life: he is separated from his home, his family, his school and friends, from all the routine that makes up his days; to this is added the encounter with uncertainty and confusion due to the lack of information that is available regarding the disease. But what completely transforms her life is the contact with pain, the coexistence with cancer and all its consequences. ASAC is linked and committed to these stories in a conscious and professional way, we know that our relationship with each family becomes an unbreakable bond so that the knowledge of the behavior of the disease and the tools of accompaniment are the pillar to meet our objectives.
"We are honored to support Ayúdame a Sonreír Ante el Cáncer and their incredible work. By providing these essential kits, we hope to bring a little joy and relief to children and families facing such a challenging journey."
Special thanks to our colleagues who participated in this delivery, especially Claudine who helped us with the donation of the 35 backpacks for the children to Francisco who helped us make this possible to Anita who was coordinating this delivery along with Lluvia and Paty and Armando Perez who helped us with the purchase of the supplies for this donation.