Global presence Customer

Compulsory Information as per Directive on Insurance Agencies in the EU/Customer Information

Anker Assekuranz Vermittlungs GmbH
Kap-Horn-Str. 18 | 28237 Bremen
Telefon (49) 421.6101 0
Telefax (49) 421.6918 305

Managing Directors: Maximilian Zeiss
Bremen Local Court, Commercial Register Number HBR 64 91

The company is entered in the Agency/Brokerage Register as:
Authorized agent pursuant to Section 34d (1) of the German Industrial Code (Gewerbeordnung) under the register number D-VUS2-IEBCV-44.  

The entry can be checked in Internet at or at the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and Industry:

Handelskammer Bremen, Haus Schütting
Am Markt 13 | 28195 Bremen
Telefon (49) 421.3637 26
Telefax (49) 421.3637 400

The company has no direct or indirect holding of more than 10 % of the voting rights or capital of any insurer. Likewise no insurer has direct or indirect holding of more than 10 % of the voting rights or capital of the company. 

Complaints panels:
Versicherungsombudsmann e. V.
Postfach 08 06 32 | 10006 Berlin

For the brokerage of insurance contracts for private customers, we have reached framework agreements with selected insurers based on the insurance products offered. The mediation activity is limited exclusively to these insurers, whose selection is based on their long-term experience in product development, contract management, premium accounting and claims settlement. Not all products and tariffs are offered by the respective insurers and we do restrict the offer here as well.

We conduct market and product observations on a regular basis. The current insurance products meet at least market standards.