Individually customized and flexible contract logistics solutions
Leschaco Solutions is an integrated part of the Leschaco Group. It bears the core of the company in its name: The offer of competent logistics solutions.
In a flexible and competent manner we offer our customers individually combinable and also quickly retrievable supply-chain-solutions with short implementation times out of one hand. Along the entire value chain modular concepts and sustainable optimisation processes are designed in accordance with individual customer requirements.
The backbone of integrated solutions within contract logistics is the Leschaco logistics engineering team located in Bremen. This team calculates and evaluates the planning process steps including staff requirements for every single project individually. Further more value added services and "in house" or "green field" projects are considered.
In the field of contract logistics there is also a particular focus on the growing importance of "green logistics" and the increasing safety requirements.
Due to a global pooled know-how transfer programme Leschaco Solutions is able to offer its customers practically-oriented "best-practice models" and "operational excellence solutions" at very short notice.